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Monday, June 20, 2011

New Study Shows Nutritional Supplement Designed for Astronauts Strong in Fighting Effects of Radiation

HOUSTON, TX: May 25, 2011
University of Pittsburgh animal study published in the Radiation Research Journal showed diet of nutritional supplement developed for Astronauts strong against effects of radiation exposure.
A study commissioned by NASA and the Johnson Space Center (JSC) evidencing the benefits of nutritional supplementation under the harshest of environmental oxidative stress factors, radiation, will be published in the June edition of the Radiation Research Journal. University of Pittsburgh labs conducted the study which showed that the antioxidative properties of nutritional supplement formulas co-developed by NASA/JSC and Houston-based AmeriSciences, LP, for the astronaut corps increased the lifespan and lessened the negative health effects in conditionally surviving animal subjects who were given a lethal dose of radiation.

Using a combination of a multivitamin and antioxidant formula (known as the AmeriSciences/NASA Premium Multivitamin and the AmeriSciences/NASA Fruit and Veggie Antioxidant Formulas), this study was designed to test the long-term survivability and effects in mice subjects given high doses of ionizing radiation (9500 mGy). The groups supplemented with a diet of the multivitamin and antioxidant formulas who survived for 30 days or longer after exposure had an 80% survival rate at 250 days compared to 30% for the control group as well as lessened late effects of the radiation exposure.
“The significance of the University of Pittsburgh outcomes cannot be understated,” explains Carlos Montesinos, AmeriSciences Director of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs. “This study proves the effectiveness of a properly formulated antioxidant and multivitamin nutritional supplement in protecting the body from environmental conditions that contribute to negative health conditions and early aging,” adds Montesinos, “everyone can benefit from the knowledge of results like this.”

“Every day we are subject to environmental factors such as radiation that are considered oxidative stressors that can damage our cells,” states Barry Cocheu, President/CEO of AmeriSciences. “This has been linked to such physical conditions as cataracts, cancer, cardiovascular disease and cognitive impairment – accordingly we all need to consider the possible benefits of adding the right nutritional supplement to our daily regimen.”
The outcomes of this study are yet another success story in a line of nutritional technology advancements born from the research partnership between NASA/JSC and AmeriSciences started six years ago with the signing of a Space Act Agreement. In 2005, AmeriSciences and NASA/JSC entered into a Space Act Agreement to develop nutritional supplements for the astronauts to meet the needs of long-duration spaceflight as well as conditioning here on Earth. This joint research has now progressed to in-flight and clinical testing to determine the safety and effectiveness of the resulting formulations. In 2009, the resulting AmeriSciences/NASA formulas were used and tested aboard the Space Shuttle and International Space Station (STS-125 and STS-127) with positive results. Human subject clinical testing of the formulas is currently in progress and plans are underway for future long-term testing aboard the International Space Station.
“In my opinion, the strength of the antioxidant and multivitamin formulas in combination has been so significant in testing that it will change the way nutritional supplementation is viewed in both the scientific community and general population,” adds Montesinos. “This is just the beginning of the antioxidant research AmeriSciences will be conducting to push the science forward in the coming years.”

“Once again the space program and private enterprise have joined forces to create technology that can improve society,” explains Cocheu. “I believe that this is the strongest proof yet that nutritional supplementation can truly help even in the most adverse of environmental conditions. . . in light of the current situation in Japan, this ground-breaking study can directly impact the health of millions of people and can impact us all considering our daily exposure to radiation and other oxidative stressors.”
AmeriSciences currently markets civilian formulas based in part on this research and clinical data. They are marketed as AmeriSciences AS10 Life, AS10 and AS10 Fusion.
For more information on this study, please visit

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