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Monday, September 6, 2010

Cupuaçu- the Fruit that is Changing the World

From the Amazon rainforest comes what could be considered the most nutritionally beneficial "Super Fruit" ever introduced to the marketplace. Haven't heard of Cupuaçu before? Well you are not alone. Outside of Brazil, the Cupuaçu is a relatively unknown commodity, but Amerisciences' AS10 is poised to change that.

"We are excited to help make the Cupuaçu a household name like Açaí has become in recent years." says AmeriSciences Chairman Lou Gallardo. "Our AS10 product can be the delivery system for everyone to enjoy the benefits of this incredible 'Super Fruit'."

The Cupuaçu, also spelled Copoasu and Copoasu, is a tropical rainforest tree related to the Cacao. Common throughout the Amazon bason, the tree produces a large melon-sized fruit with a hard out shell and a white creamy pulp inside. As a relative of the Cacao, the Cupuaçu doesn't disappoint with a pulp that bears a tropical flavor with a hint of chocolate. In fact, the hard seeds contained within the milky white pulp can be used to produce chocolate products.

A whole and opened Cupuaçu fruit (delicious!)

"The Cupuaçu is an amazing renewable resource for the Brazilians," explains Lou Gallardo. "Since the Cupuaçu occurs naturally throughout certain regions of Brazil and can be harvested in the down time between other fruit harvests, the local population has an incredible upside potential with the globalization of the knowledge of the benefits of this incredible Super Fruit"

The Cupuaçu nutritional value is found in its complex array of nutrients including nine flavanoids, polyphenols and theacrines. Unlike the Cacao which contains xanthines (caffeine, theobromine and theophylline). Cupuaçu contains theacrines which produce similar energy enhancing effects without the negative effects of xanthines.

The amazing thing about the Cupuaçu is that it is already being hailed as the new #1 Super Fruit, yet it is so new outside Brazil that science has yet to be able to identify all of its potentially beneficial aspects. However, local Brazilians have known for many generations that the Cupuaçu is beneficial to your health and have accordingly dubbed it the "pharmacy in a fruit."

Lou Gallardo adds, "it is time for the world to accept the fact that the most healthy fruits in the world do not grow in your backyard and cannot be found on the shelves of your grocery store." With AS10 featuring Cupuaçu, the world can now get the benefits of the world's best Super Fruits in their home and start their journey towards a healthier tomorrow.

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