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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Do You Know Someone with Macular Degeneration?

If so, this message is for you … and them. There is hope. A study was done by Dr. Ed Paul, one of my favorite people on the planet. His eyes twinkle and you can see it whether you are standing next to him or watching him from the audience at one of his presentations. He’s smart. He’s funny. And he made a wonderful discovery that is changing lives. Dr. Paul formulated TOZAL.

Recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities on Macular Degeneration, not only is Dr. Paul one of the country’s top Doctors of Optometry, he has a PhD in nutrition. And it just so happens that the current standard of care for patients with Dry Macular Degeneration (AMD) is nutrition ... vitamins to be exact.

Actually, the current standard of care for AMD for years WAS a vitamin formula based on what is known as the AREDS study (age related eye disease). The only problem is that the AREDS formulation basically failed in 75% of the participants in the study. Yet for the 25% where it slowed the progression of blindness, it was considered enough of a success to bring the formulation to market. Here is a link to the study for those of you that want to research it:

So along come Dr. Paul and his formulation. And he too does a study. It’s called the TOZAL study. Here is a link to that study, again, for those that prefer to do their own research. I would if I was going blind. And for those of you that want a copy of it, just call or e-mail me. My contact information is at the end of this article.

TOZAL is a formulation based on the AREDS study, PLUS nutrients that Dr. Paul knew were scientifically shown to have positive effects on eye health. TOZAL is actually an acronym for Taurine, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Zinc/Zeaxanthin, Antioxidants and Lutein. These ingredients were added to the AREDS formulation and studied by a pharmaceutical company that was considering getting into the nutraceuticals business. The results were nothing short of amazing.
Here is an excerpt from a paper written by Dr. Paul and molecular biologist, Carlos Mendicinos:

In a nutshell, the remarkable results of the TOZAL study revealed that more than half (57%) of the subjects in the treated group improved an average of one-half a line of visual acuity at 6 months. In contrast to the well-known natural course of agerelated visual decay that results in deterioration, nearly 77% of patients supplemented with TOZAL® Eye Health Formula improved or stayed the same, and only about 23% deteriorated (but no worse than placebo). Yet as remarkable as these results are on their own, what really catches the attention of most eye care professionals is that the “placebo” used in this TOZAL study was not an inert or sugar pill, but rather a product until then considered the “standard of care”: the AREDS-based formulation, also known as Bausch & Lomb’s PreserVision®. Hence, TOZAL® Eye Health Formula was shown effective at not only improving visual acuity, but in doing so, it was also shown far superior to the conventional standard of care.

I am on a mission to share this message of hope to people suffering or that know someone suffering from age related eye health issues. As a huge fan of Dr. Paul both personally and as a scientist, I cannot say enough about his commitment to changing the lives of those otherwise without a solution to their loss of independence in their senior years due to AMD. Please contact me if there is someone you would like to receive a copy of the TOZAL study and whatever additional information on TOZAL I can provide.

In good health….

Tammy Provence, 239-281-5899
Call 888-765-5899 or Tammy directly for more information

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