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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wellness Trends Article

Scientific Wellness Trends

Tammy Provence
Founder, Health-Check, M.D., Inc.
Good2Go Healthy Take Out
Independent AmeriSciences Distributor


It has been my mission as a wellness and prevention advocate to bring current science on eye health nutrition to the residents of SW Florida. In the senior population, macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the leading causes of vision loss. And there are so many other eye health issues afflicting seniors that are related to chronic illnesses.
I have watched the father of a dear friend go from dry macular degeneration to wet macular degeration, to losing an eye and now almost totally blind. I have been taught the outcome might have been different with pharmaceutical standard ocular nutrition. Science also knows that this condition is hereditary and that if AMD runs in a family, practicing prevention with a healthy lifestyle and ocular nutrition is critical. 

I cannot remind residents of SW Florida of this enough! Below is a condensed article written by my friend and colleague, Dr. Tim Schneider. He has gone far beyond just prescribing nutrition for his patients’ eye health. He travels and educates on wellness and prevention and served on the scientific team that developed OS2. This is why I think it’s important to share his article with you.

New Eye Supplement Gives Hope 
To Those At Risk For Vision Loss

By Timothy L. Schneider, M.D.

The science of nutritional supplementation is advancing rapidly. What was state-of-the-art just two or three years ago is now considered “old science”, and is being eclipsed by new clinical studies demonstrating positive effects of nutritional supplements in support of memory and neurological health, cardiovascular health, and ocular health.

The old paradigm of tertiary illness care is shifting to a primary prevention/wellness support paradigm. AmeriSciences’ new Ocular Support Solution (OS2), is my choice for my patients. After researching the literature, and studying other companies’ products, I chose the company which has been dedicated, for almost a decade, to setting a new standard for high quality nutritional supplements: AmeriSciences.

At the heart of AmeriSciences OS2 are the carotenoids (Lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin), omega-3 fatty acids, alpha lipoic acid, Vitamin D, and zinc. Carotenoids are potent antioxidants which protect our cells from damaging free radicals in our bodies. These are particularly important when our eyes are exposed to sunlight and other sources of oxidative stress.

For over eighteen years, since the release of the landmark Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS), nutritional supplementation has been a part of the accepted science supporting eye health. And now, eighteen years later, the science has progressed so that using supplements is much more than just “ a good idea.” Using supplements for eye health should be Standard Of Care for patients with, or at risk of, diabetes and age-related ocular issues.
The benefits of preserving vision are many: maintaining independence, savings in health care and personal costs, and easing the burden on family caregivers are positive beyond measure. Thus, for my family, and my patients, AmeriSciences OS2 is truly The Ocular Support System.

Timothy L. Schneider, M.D.
Board Certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology
Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners
Fellow of the American Academy of Ophthalmology
Fmr. Senior Consultant, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville
Medical Director, Schneider Eye Center

For additional information or where to purchase OS2 
Please contact Tammy Provence at Health-Check, M.D., Inc.
239-561-8646 or 239-281-5899
You can email Tammy at