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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Do You Know Someone with Macular Degeneration?

If so this message is for you…and them. There is hope. I have had the good fortune of meeting and working with physicians and scientists devoted to saving the vision of those afflicted with dry macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma, as well as those that suffer from dry eye syndrome. Do you know that nutritional supplementation has been the standard of care for AMD for years?

The AREDS (Age-Related Eye Disease) Study started a revolution in the support of eye health, in spite of the fact that the antioxidant formulation used in the study was unsuccessful in mitigating vision loss in those afflicted with AMD. Then, 5 years ago, the TOZAL study results were compelling with a 76% success rate in stabilizing vision loss in as little as 6-9 months. Now, even the TOZAL study is dated science.

And as each year passes, more and more scientific evidence builds upon the last great eye health formula and has taken a giant leap into the future with the next evolution in eye care supplements, AmeriSciences OS2- “The Ocular Support Solution.” Never before has a product combined the most current scientific evidence with the superior quality of a pharmaceutical standard nutritional supplement.

I encourage you to do your research. There are many, many eye health formulas out there. Unfortunately, most are AREDS formulas that are not only based on old science or have been doctored up with random nutrients, but are made to food grade standards only. What that means, and this applies to 99% of all supplements on the market, is the only standard for a food grade vitamin is that it has to be manufactured in a sanitary environment approved for the processing of food. This includes those with the GMP stamp on the bottle.

“AmeriSciences’ OS2 is unique in that it has incorporated major scientific evidence in all areas of ocular nutrition. OS2 has a definite advantage and incorporates new findings that the scientific literature supports over the past few years that will not only help my patients who are concerned about age-related vision decline, but may help patients with other eye concerns as well,” states Dr.Robert D. Sacks, Chairman of Ophthalmology at Olympia Medical Center.

Unlike other antioxidant supplements intended to support exclusively the macula. AmeriSciences’ OS2 provides a comprehensive, multi-factorial formulation that targets the retina, the cornea, the micro- and macro-vascular structures of the eye, the lachrymal system and tear quality, visual acuity and endurance, eye strain, as well as oxidative stress and inflammation. According to Dr. Marwan Sabbagh, Chairman of the AmeriSciences Scientific Board, “This new scientifically updated formulation will become the new standard in eye health and nutrition.”

Your eyes are constantly subjected to the cell-damaging effects of free radicals and poor nutrition, which can increase the risk of developing severe vision decline or impairment. Other factors, such as diabetes, smoking and a poor diet, can also contribute to age-related vision decline. However, whether you are concerned about age related decline, dry eyes, diabetes-related ocular nutrition, or simply want to give your eye-health a boost, AmeriSciences’ OS2 is the perfect addition to your daily regimen.

I am on a mission to share AmeriSciences commitment to the most current and scientifically proven advances in the fight against age-related eye health issues. If you have a parent with AMD, which is hereditary, you are at increased risk, so it’s imperative you use supplementation for prevention. Please contact me if you or someone you know would like to receive additional information or purchase OS2.

For those readers in the eye health profession that are interested in OS2 for your patients, I welcome your call as well. I will put you in touch with practitioners experiencing immense success treating patients with AmeriSciences nutraceuticals.

In good health…

Tammy Provence


Monday, September 6, 2010

Cupuaçu- the Fruit that is Changing the World

From the Amazon rainforest comes what could be considered the most nutritionally beneficial "Super Fruit" ever introduced to the marketplace. Haven't heard of Cupuaçu before? Well you are not alone. Outside of Brazil, the Cupuaçu is a relatively unknown commodity, but Amerisciences' AS10 is poised to change that.

"We are excited to help make the Cupuaçu a household name like Açaí has become in recent years." says AmeriSciences Chairman Lou Gallardo. "Our AS10 product can be the delivery system for everyone to enjoy the benefits of this incredible 'Super Fruit'."

The Cupuaçu, also spelled Copoasu and Copoasu, is a tropical rainforest tree related to the Cacao. Common throughout the Amazon bason, the tree produces a large melon-sized fruit with a hard out shell and a white creamy pulp inside. As a relative of the Cacao, the Cupuaçu doesn't disappoint with a pulp that bears a tropical flavor with a hint of chocolate. In fact, the hard seeds contained within the milky white pulp can be used to produce chocolate products.

A whole and opened Cupuaçu fruit (delicious!)

"The Cupuaçu is an amazing renewable resource for the Brazilians," explains Lou Gallardo. "Since the Cupuaçu occurs naturally throughout certain regions of Brazil and can be harvested in the down time between other fruit harvests, the local population has an incredible upside potential with the globalization of the knowledge of the benefits of this incredible Super Fruit"

The Cupuaçu nutritional value is found in its complex array of nutrients including nine flavanoids, polyphenols and theacrines. Unlike the Cacao which contains xanthines (caffeine, theobromine and theophylline). Cupuaçu contains theacrines which produce similar energy enhancing effects without the negative effects of xanthines.

The amazing thing about the Cupuaçu is that it is already being hailed as the new #1 Super Fruit, yet it is so new outside Brazil that science has yet to be able to identify all of its potentially beneficial aspects. However, local Brazilians have known for many generations that the Cupuaçu is beneficial to your health and have accordingly dubbed it the "pharmacy in a fruit."

Lou Gallardo adds, "it is time for the world to accept the fact that the most healthy fruits in the world do not grow in your backyard and cannot be found on the shelves of your grocery store." With AS10 featuring Cupuaçu, the world can now get the benefits of the world's best Super Fruits in their home and start their journey towards a healthier tomorrow.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Do You Know Someone with Macular Degeneration?

If so, this message is for you … and them. There is hope. A study was done by Dr. Ed Paul, one of my favorite people on the planet. His eyes twinkle and you can see it whether you are standing next to him or watching him from the audience at one of his presentations. He’s smart. He’s funny. And he made a wonderful discovery that is changing lives. Dr. Paul formulated TOZAL.

Recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities on Macular Degeneration, not only is Dr. Paul one of the country’s top Doctors of Optometry, he has a PhD in nutrition. And it just so happens that the current standard of care for patients with Dry Macular Degeneration (AMD) is nutrition ... vitamins to be exact.

Actually, the current standard of care for AMD for years WAS a vitamin formula based on what is known as the AREDS study (age related eye disease). The only problem is that the AREDS formulation basically failed in 75% of the participants in the study. Yet for the 25% where it slowed the progression of blindness, it was considered enough of a success to bring the formulation to market. Here is a link to the study for those of you that want to research it:

So along come Dr. Paul and his formulation. And he too does a study. It’s called the TOZAL study. Here is a link to that study, again, for those that prefer to do their own research. I would if I was going blind. And for those of you that want a copy of it, just call or e-mail me. My contact information is at the end of this article.

TOZAL is a formulation based on the AREDS study, PLUS nutrients that Dr. Paul knew were scientifically shown to have positive effects on eye health. TOZAL is actually an acronym for Taurine, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Zinc/Zeaxanthin, Antioxidants and Lutein. These ingredients were added to the AREDS formulation and studied by a pharmaceutical company that was considering getting into the nutraceuticals business. The results were nothing short of amazing.
Here is an excerpt from a paper written by Dr. Paul and molecular biologist, Carlos Mendicinos:

In a nutshell, the remarkable results of the TOZAL study revealed that more than half (57%) of the subjects in the treated group improved an average of one-half a line of visual acuity at 6 months. In contrast to the well-known natural course of agerelated visual decay that results in deterioration, nearly 77% of patients supplemented with TOZAL® Eye Health Formula improved or stayed the same, and only about 23% deteriorated (but no worse than placebo). Yet as remarkable as these results are on their own, what really catches the attention of most eye care professionals is that the “placebo” used in this TOZAL study was not an inert or sugar pill, but rather a product until then considered the “standard of care”: the AREDS-based formulation, also known as Bausch & Lomb’s PreserVision®. Hence, TOZAL® Eye Health Formula was shown effective at not only improving visual acuity, but in doing so, it was also shown far superior to the conventional standard of care.

I am on a mission to share this message of hope to people suffering or that know someone suffering from age related eye health issues. As a huge fan of Dr. Paul both personally and as a scientist, I cannot say enough about his commitment to changing the lives of those otherwise without a solution to their loss of independence in their senior years due to AMD. Please contact me if there is someone you would like to receive a copy of the TOZAL study and whatever additional information on TOZAL I can provide.

In good health….

Tammy Provence, 239-281-5899
Call 888-765-5899 or Tammy directly for more information

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

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Now you can follow Wellness Trends on Facebook through Health Check, MD.

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Have a great day, and stay well!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Welcome to Wellness Trends!

Thank you so much for your interest in the Wellness Trends blog! This blog is slowly but surely making its way into the world to bring you helpful, up-to-date information regarding the latest wellness trends, AmeriScience products, and many other great ways to keep your health in check! Please take a second to learn about the creator of Wellness Trends: A student of nutritional science, prevention and integrative medicine for 30 years, Tammy Provence works with health care practitioners, businesses and proactive individuals in the area of scientific nutritional products, professional wellness programs and public education via speaking engagements. A Co-Founder of the Marcus R. Morris Foundation, Inc., a non-profit corporation, Tammy is spearheading a national proof-of-concept study linking science based nutritional therapies and their affects on HIV related chronic fatigue, dementia and the body's ability to fight off opportunistic infections.

Also - check out for the most recent AmeriScience products!

Stay Well!

PS: Don't forget to check out - a great way to keep your mind working and well!